Saturday, February 25, 2023

Dungeon23 - 56/365. Room 56: Bone Cave


Room 56: Bone Cave

Intricate mineral carved cave (Intricate mineral carved stone with stone walls, roof 10' and floor. Gem seams run throughout the room in intricate patterns). Creatures (A Calcium Extender peels itself off the walls and attacks). Lightning (The room is a dark ink black). Smell (Snapping boneyard). Sounds (clicking and clacking, cracking bones). Touch (brittle). 

A larger room with swirls of minerals along the walls. A clump of bones unpacks itself and knots together. The horrid calcium contraption screeches before sprinting at the party.

North: The shimmering of an unknown liquid source comes from the north. Demonic faces have been carved within the walls.

South: The stairs decend down into a deeper part of the cave system.

East: A horrid animal stench comes from the east. The floor around the makeshift door is stained with gore.

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