Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Dungeon23 - 46/365. Room 46: Tundra Goblin Bonfire


Room 46: Tundra Goblin Bonfire

Natural Stone Cavern (natural stone with stone walls, roof 10' and floor.) Massive Bonfire (A giant bonfire sits in the middle of the room, Tundra Goblins dance and scream) Tundra Goblins (A mass of Tundra Goblins are located here. Ten Tundra Goblins are currently caught up in the festivities with a Tundra Goblin Chieftain and Shaman sit discussing) Lightning (Bonfire blazing and flashes of gunpoder) Smell (Urine, sweat, black powder, cooked meat and fungis beer). Sounds (Screams, pops, bangs and the constant crackle of the bonfire). Touch (Massive heat from the fire. Smoke pushes into the eyes). Exits (An exit to the West, South and North.)

The Tundra Goblins main gathering spot. A massive bonfire roars in the centre of the room. Ten Tundra Goblins are dancing, drinking and breaking anything within sight. Two of them have somehow found blackpowder and are currently tossing handfuls of it into the fire. A rather large goblin is sitting and conversing with an elderly tattooed goblin.

West: White and black lights flicker quickly from the west. The goblins have painted warning signs along the walls.

East: The wall has a small cave opening, it is heavily stained and reeks. The goblins looked to have used it as a waste disposal.

North: A small cave opening opens into a massive hole. The goblins frequently use as waste disposal pit or a point of access.

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