Thursday, February 9, 2023

Dungeon23 - 40/365. Room 40: Tundra Goblin Mine Entrance


Room 40: Tundra Goblin Mine Entrance

Natural Stone Cavern (natural stone with stone walls, roof 9' and floor. Large veins of minerals are being worked on by Tundra Goblins) Tundra Goblins (A pack of 6 Tundra Goblins are busy mining the veins around the room) Lightning (A small amount of light from the west light up part of the room. Sparks from the striking picks occasionally brighten the room) Smell (Beasts, ozone and sweat). Sounds (Picks cracking into stone and minerals. Goblins occasionally squabbling or shrieking ). Touch (Dense, scarred and chipped). Exits (An exit to the north and another to the east.

A smaller room rich with mineral veins. Tundra goblins are currently hard at work mining or screeching at each other. Large salt deposits make up most of the walls. Primitive picks can be found around the floors.

North: The corridor leads deeper within the mines. Blue goblin graffiti has been splattered on the walls. Skittering can be heard from within the next room followed by panicked yelps. The smell of fresh cherries and almonds is heavy from the next room.

East: The corridor leads back into the main tunnel shaft elevator room. Light pours down from the hole above, the natural world holds a small amount of domain within this alien place.

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