Monday, January 30, 2023

TTRPG creations: 141/365: Tundra Goblin Shaman

Tundra Goblin Shaman 

Screeching blue in the snow bluffs. Knobbly hands holding long staffs, shaking shamans yelp and chirp. Pine cones on the end of long wooden poles tap together. Blue, putrid warped toes bounce circles within the ankle deep snow. Hands are thrown up in ecstasy, warbled yelps and screeches from coarse scraped throats.

Feathers, tree sap, bones and branches create makeshift armour. Charcoal and ash covered faces, wild bird egg yolk tempura paint on faces. Minerals grounded in to make a rainbow of skin dyes. Salt crystals channeled to make saline magic beams. Moisture takers and wound stitches. 

The king of the tribe, the only voice that matters screeching for more sacrifices. The salt bully.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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