Saturday, January 21, 2023

TTRPG creations: 132/365: Nar'duu Speecher

Nar'duu Speecher

 Old pine forest of Nar'duu stretch beyond the horizon. Travelers tell tales of getting lost within the wild woods. Bizarre colours and shapes throughout the trees, mad fungi and striking saps. Of deep purple crows from up on high, wild fruit never seen by the eyes of mortals, lost springs supped on by the tree men of yore.

It rushes through the branches, snapping twigs and stomping leaves. The glowing white eyes like twin beacons within the woods. The long antlers marbled through with red veins growing large and curled back. 

The flesh pulsates and twitches. See through supple skin shows glowing organs beneath. Colourful mushroom mash through the organs slowly spreading throughout the body. 

It gives out a horrible, baneful cry mimicking swords clashing, men screaming and mortals death throws. Copying all lost forest sounds, recording them all within its milky off white glass like form.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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