Saturday, January 7, 2023

TTRPG creations: 118/365: Fizzling Glow Bugs

Fizzling Glow Bugs

 Flying and flashing throughout the fungul undergrowth. Crashing through the cold crystal caverns. Mobs of bright specks plunge into the mines. Sparks popping in and out, quick fire bursts bursting strobe like throughout the darkness. Palm sized insect lanterns producing a torches heat.

Cultists walk with crystal blue beetles in skull lanterns. The walls awash with deep ink the shades sloshing over all. Troglobilis gather them in bone cages and use them to bait ice centipede steeds. Tundra goblins will swing balls of them at anything that moves. Hurtling them against walls while shielding eyes. 

A quick and easy resource for those that need a cheap, reliable lanterns. The town of Saltheim breeds and sells every colour and hue of beetle.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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