Tuesday, January 3, 2023

TTRPG creations: 114/365: Tundra Goblins

Tundra Goblins

 Blue skinned pint sized demons. Knobbly knees and long fingers. Bat like ears bobbing along, bent at the tips. Long hooked nose bedecked in warts and scabs. Disgusting thin cracked lips, blood beads on skin splits. Larger bulbous eyes that can flick between dark gold to deep blue. 

Sky blue ice shard spears in hand. Pig squealing drawn sleds that bound upon the snow. Four to a ride shrieking with joy running down prey. Two hanging from the back screeching with pure exalted happiness. They hurl abuse and spears in equal measure. The whip cracks pushing the frothing boar on.

Camps set up in caves, small huts surround a blazing bonfire. They dance and shriek around the great flame. Hands and heads thrown back, shouting in joy, horror and bliss.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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