Monday, January 2, 2023

TTRPG creations: 113/365: Nar'duu Raiders

Nar'duu Raiders

 Frigid frosted fur stuck stiff on boots. Blackened crude iron chain link coats, rusted and reeking. Filthy fur cloaks cover rotting leather. Broken horn horned helmets hung over scowling brows. Tobacco stained moustaches hang low over tattooed lips. Cracked yellow teeth and bleeding gums spit out gobs of potent fungi. Long beaded braided beards thick with sweat, soot and grog. 

Chipped iron axes and swords hang at waists. Long bows with quivers over backs. Goose feathered arrows at the ready. Eyes red with blood rage waiting for the chance. Fingers flex on hilts, knuckles creak and crack. Most stuff mystic mushrooms into the mouth, quickly chewing. Old weary bones and stiff joints melt away as the potent drug takes hold.

Muscles swell and jaws clench down hard. Hands handle handles until they start to split. A roar erupts from the now berserk braided battalion. A mad suicidal rush towards the enemy. A prayer for the afterlife.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

Pink and purple skin pulsates in patterns. Large eyes leer in loops, full figure eights. Unblinking eye contact draws the victim in. A timid...