Sunday, January 1, 2023

TTRPG creations: 112/365: Salt Imps

Salt Imps

 Odd saline spindly creatures, fractured knobbly grinning demons. Pure white, slate grey or salt and pepper mixed in colour. freakish crusty cubed bumps grow upon them at random angles. Pot bellies and short limbs, small beady blood shot eyes that constantly weep. Sharp serrated stalactite teeth tear into intruders.  Horrible sucking noises ensue as the wounded is drained of life liquids. Shriveling into a hollow husk not before long.

A common pest found within the salt mines of Narduu. Salt imps are the living embodiment of the salt crystals found within the land. After breaking off from a salt crystal they spring to life in search of liquids. 

Never straying to far from a home mine, Salt imps will attack livestock, wild game or in extreme cases people in an attempt to drain them of liquids. When a Salt Imp has consumed enough they will wander back holding a bulging pot belly, with time they will create a new salt crystal.

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