Sunday, December 11, 2022

TTRPG creations: 91/365: Single Repeating Salamander

Single Repeating Salamander

 Deep beneath the loam, in dank dark under places in which man fears to tred. Far away from sunlight, from fresh, crisp mountain air. In rank, disgusting holds within the earths belly a great scaled locust horror devours all within its wake. Even the most fearsome of under tribes, the most brutal of monsters, the most unknown of horrors fears this seemingly immortal end. Tumbling and stumbling over one another in a sunburst orange and black neon wave.

The wriggling mass writhes though every crack and crevice, every nook and cranny you will find them. A seas worth of potent poison dripping from every gland. Sharp fanged mouths make short work of anything within the waves wake. Injuries do nothing, as one is cut down two grow back. As a limb is removed another salamander bursts into existence. The same salamander. Every single being within the mass shares the same pattern, same desire and same thought. Everything within the ground before them is a meal. Is a valuable resource that gives energy, protein and fat. The salamander will always exist as long as the earth exists. 

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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