Blinding Bastard
Stuttering stealthy steps on stone sneaking silently. Hulking hefty armour abandoned for layered leather. Lanterns and torches stamped out, narrow uneven rock corridors close in. Blackened daggers quickly drawn, adventurers in place preparing the ambush. Beads of sweat bud on scalps, fingers fidget and flex. A slight scurrying at waist height brings confused glances.
A brutally loud rip runs through the air accompanied by a beyond blinding beaming light. Men quickly cover eyes at the sudden sulfur supernova. Thrashing about in confusion the adventures are set upon, the hunter becomes the hunted. The caverns erupt in a brutal scrum with man fighting beast, red rivets run.
In a spot far further down the hall nestled in between twin pillars, a child like form squats. Quickly stuffing the now dark lantern back into a sack, knobbly hands count the coins, gems and curious stolen from the men. A coarse chuckle comes from the darkness accompanied by scurrying, shuffling shoes.
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