Friday, December 30, 2022

TTRPG creations: 110/365: Protein Cave Mantis

 Strip back flesh and consume muscle. The ultimate cave cuisine connoisseurs cutting up cowards into consumables. Generations have studied the higher races watching them pick the best ingredients from the ground. Forelimbs become formidable flatware as they hack apart hearts. Lacerate limbs and mutilate muscle. 

Watching from the shadows as the other cave dwellers swelled on protein packed provisions. They super focused on that aspect and drove themselves mad with desire. Bags are burgled for cooking supplies rations are run off with. The mantis will always look to improve the next meal in any way it can. Any length is worth it if they can elevate the craft.

Sturdy solid muscle bound adventurers are the most sought after prize. Sweat covered, slick sword masters are pulled away from packs. Beefy and brawny barbarians are the best. Weak, scrawny wizards are the worst. A different kind of protein packed provision is needed for the Cave Mantis.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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