Friday, November 18, 2022

TTRPG creations: 68/365: Cloud Kisser

Cloud Kisser

 The heavy clouds come rolling in. The storm looks to lash out, black and heavy, pregnant with thunderbolts aimed to hurl down at all. It swiftly approaches faster and faster, nothing seems to be able to slow the thunderous roll of nature. Deep within its depths a low, long, hideous moan roars across the land. The call brings thunder crashing, lightning bolts flashing. Storms billow up ripping into trees and buildings alike, nature quakes at the approach.

Heard long before seen a titanic shadow swims through the clouds. The midnight blue and bone white skin slowly pushes out. Fleeting glimpses  bring madness at the sheer size of it. It roars above the world a marine horror given the very sky itself.

It crests out of the clouds, rain ripping from the air. The ozone stench strong in the winds as more bolts pulverize the world. The long mournful call deafens mortals, destroys towns and obliterates the sky itself.

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