Wednesday, October 19, 2022

TTRPG creations: 38/365: The Mouldering Muscle

The Mouldering Muscle

Festering folds of fiber. Souring skin sloughing away. Brittle bent blacked bone breaking. Mutilated maggoty muscle mulched. Crimson coagulated claret. Fungal bearing fat freely flowing. Veins viciously vivisected. A ghoulish mockery of eternal life, a joke at the gods plans. 

Fecal matter filling rot holes. Urine soaking into soiled skin. Pus filled tumors squirm and writhe across an ivory green canvas. Ropes of guts hang out of sword slashes. Jaws hang slack, eyes fish milk white and vacant. A swarm of carrion can be seen first, crows and flies grow fat upon the marching undead abattoir.

A hideous wailing follows the horde, each pair of lungs repeating the last cry before death. They all remember the life they had, memories the created. All are still alive within the horde, having to exist within an ever rotting shell.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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