Tuesday, August 9, 2022

TTRPG Judge advice: Using fantasy stereotypes!

he Scottish sounding surly dwarf smith. the scarred eye patch clad leader of the thieves guild. The sneaky, cowardly, nasty, long fingered goblin. The halfling, feet kicked up complaining when his next meal will be. The orb wielding, long beard flowing, robes a swishing, eye brow caterpillar looking wizard.

All these stereotypes and more exist within our TTRPGs. It's almost become second nature to include them it could even be seen as a crutch. 

So while driving to work I had an idea, why not take the stereotype and crank it all the way to 11. By isolating and intensifying the key features of the stereotype we can create something new.

Let's take the goblin for example. Most goblins are cowardly, nasty, scheming little bastards. Feigning innocence until you turn your back before sticking a knife in. Hands that seem to be all long fingers made for throttling necks, picking pockets or wrapping around grubby dagger hilts.

How about a group of goblin assassins? A goblin tribe that has survived countless extinction events and genocides. A tribe that have perfected the art of acting and has used it to not just survive but thrive. A tribe that has written the book on tricks, traps, sneaking and stabbing. A group of goblins that while being the very walking definition of goblin have made a weakness into an almighty strength. 

I encourage judges and players to use the fantasy stereotypes found within the game instead of shying away from them. Embrace what makes a fantasy race unique and create new and powerful things.

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