Monday, July 25, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - First playtest session.

 Today I finally got to play test ACC with my group! It took a bit to knock the rust of the gears but I was able to get back into the swing of things. I'll be writing down my session notes, areas of improvement and the general story of Port Mullen and the adventuring group.


Gulls circling and sea salt in the air our adventure takes place in Port Mullen. A newer port town on the coast of southern Australis. An adventuring duo made of Peter a gong farmer turned convict and a Oliver a farmer turned Bush ranger make a beeline towards the Blue Crown a rather well off tavern within the port town.

Scraping the door and stepping inside the criminal couple are met with mostly skeptical looks from the upper working classes enjoying morning meals. With a spring in his step, Peter made his way up to the barkeep asking for an ale and general directions around the town. After complementing a passing bar maid and inquiring about the hemming on her leather apron the two headed off again in search of some well needed adventuring gear. No one noticed Peter pocketing the copper he had somehow acquired.


Basking in the morning sun the two headed south towards "The Inventory" owned by Stock man "stock" Connor. After brief bartering back and forth the pair exchanged plundered coin for wares. A slight disagreement found Stock man Connor with night soil smeared across his forehead and the pair hightailing it before the port authorities came.

With the possibility of the guard coming down on them the rogue ruffians made haste to "Finn's Blacksmith" owned by Finn O'Donnell. Peter once again taking the lead was able to barter his trusty trowel for a sharper dagger. Oliver purchased shot and powder for his trusty flintlock rifle, not having a leather carry bag and not wanting to bring the wrath of Stock man Conner arranged for one of the apprentices to run over to the inventory to retrieve one. 

Peter ever the silver tongue and knowing a good opportunity waited outside for the young lad, after seeing him returning offered a gold coin for information on how two gentleman could make discreet coin within the town. The lad, Tommen made mention of the seedier side of town which could offer brothels, gambling dens and fighting pits. 


With adventuring gear packed and new weapons at the ready the dastardly duo explored the rats nest like maze of cobblestone streets. Dodging dodgy denizens with daggers drawn and fleet footed fiends the pair arrived at the Ruby Lady, a whore house of repute.

The squashed nose, eye patched guard and his gang of street goons eyed the pair over. As events looked to take a sinister turn Peter once again stepped up and used his quick wit to put everyone at ease. Showing his manacle scarred wrists he assured that the two had nothing to do with the current guard.

Making a friend of the fellow who went by "Toby Nose" the adventurers had arrived at the nastier side of town, a place that suited them perfectly. After arranging for two rooms within "The screaming Gull" and enlisting the help of a group of port scum led by the bandit "Two Toes Tobias" both Peter and Oliver settled down for the day. 

Sitting down on salt stained benches that crookedly creaked, the two drank watered down ale and ate hardtack with gravy drippings. Both minds drifted off towards the treasures whispered about that could be found within the Lost Bush.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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