Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Bushmagic 1st level: Spirit Summon


Spirit Summon

Level: 1 Range: varies Duration: Varies Casting Time: 1 hour Save: none


Summons an ancient spirit that comes to your aid.


Manifestation: Roll 1d3: (1) The casters body takes on the aspect of the spirit; (2) The spirit arrives before the caster ready to serve; (3) A spiritual ancestor of the caster is born into being aiding the caster; 

Corruption: Roll 1d8: (1) A random limb is caught in flux between the spiritual and normal world, appearing as a ghost or phantom limb; (2) The spirit takes up residence within the caster; (3-5) minor corruption; (6 - 7) major corruption; (8) greater corruption.

Misfire: Roll 1d3: (1) The spirit angered at being summoned from rest attempts to take the body of the caster (Caster drops to lowest initiative roll); (2) A horde of spirits are summoned raising an unholy cacophony; (3) The summoned spirit never passed peacefully into the afterlife and attacks all mortals present;


1: Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + misfire + patron taint, (1-2) corruption, (3) patron taint (or corruption if no patron), (4+) misfire.

2 - 11: Lost. Failure.

12 - 13: Summon a spirit of 1HD or less to do the bidding of the caster for an hour. The caster must use the bones of the monster, creature or humanoid to cast the spell.

14 - 17: Summon a spirit of 2HD or less or two spirits of 1HD to do the bidding of the caster for an hour. The caster must use the bones of the monster, creature or humanoid to cast the spell.

18 - 19: Summon a spirit of 3HD or less to do the bidding of the caster for two hours. The caster must use the bones of the monster, creature or humanoid to cast the spell.

20 - 23: Summon a spirit of 3HD or less or three spirits of 1HD to do the bidding of the caster for two hours. The caster must use the bones of the monster, creature or humanoid to cast the spell.

24 - 27: Summon a spirit of 4HD or less to do the bidding of the caster for 4 hours. The caster must use the bones of the monster, creature or humanoid to cast the spell.

28 - 29: Summon a spirit of 4HD or less or two spirits of 2HD to do the bidding of the caster for 4 hours. The caster must use the bones of the monster, creature or humanoid to cast the spell.

30 - 31: Summon a spirit of 6HD or less the bidding of the caster for 8 hours. The caster must use the bones of the monster, creature or humanoid to cast the spell.

32+: Summon a spirit of 12HD or less or four spirits of 3HD to do the bidding of the caster for 16 hours. The caster must use the bones of the monster, creature or humanoid to cast the spell.

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