Sunday, July 3, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Australian Creatures - L


Liasis dubudingala -  A ten metre terror all slithering scales and fangs. Over saturated apple green shifting and bending amongst the trees. Old hands running over ancient parchment as the horror tightens. A never ending black maw opens up and descends.

Init -2; Atk bite +1 melee (1d6); AC 14; HD 3D8; MV 30' or climb 30'; ACT 1d20; SP: strength check 14 or grappled.; SV Fort +3 Ref -2 Will +1; AL N; NE 1


Lion fish - striped bands of Orange, red, white and cream circle within the water. Covered in horror spines like an out of place pincushion. Rotating and maneuvering while approaching prey, blasts of water dizzying and confusing all around.

Init -1; Atk barb +2 melee (1+1d8 with poison); AC 11; HD 1D8; MV swim 40'; ACT 1d20; SP Fort save 13 or poison; SV Fort +1 Ref -1 Will -1; AL N; NE 2D4


Lyrebird - The emperor of imitators, fanned by semi folded feathers. A constant waterfall of noises, clicks, whirs, purrs, screams and yells. Every race, creed and colour contained within the warbler con man.

Init +1; Atk peck 0 melee (1d4); AC 11; HD 1d8; MV 30' or fly 30'; ACT 1d20; SP: Can imitate most voices or sounds; SV Fort -1 Ref +1 Will +1; AL N; NE 2d4

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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