Faction Leaders
Imperial forces - Lord Kov - The current leader of the Imperial expedition forces. Mid 50's/salt and pepper hair/stern/Crooked nose/Needs to bring One Eyed Dan to justice/Longs for home.
Convicts - One Eyed Dan - Current gang leader of the convicts/Early 30's/Large bushy beard/Large scar across face/Wants to get revenge on Lord Kov/Is in communication with members of The Coal Consortium back home.
Indigenous peoples - He Who Walks - Leader of the indigenous peoples/unknown age/young appearance but ancient eyes/Wants to push out the imperials forces/Is cursed.
The Monarchy - King Hawkin II - King of the Imperial nation/Unknown age/Unknown appearance for the moment.
Mercantile Guild - The Coal Consortium - Current representative unknown/has spies in both imperial and convict factions.
Holy Order - Father Da'em - Current Bishop of the Holy Order/elderly male in late 70's/balding/nearly blind/Wants to further the Orders influence/criminal history has been buried.
Town NPC's
Screaming Gull - Salt "O" Pete - The owner of the Screaming Gull/mid 40's/velvet eye patch that seems to switch eye daily/Looking to increase influence within Port Mullen/Has a smugglers cove hidden away.
The Ruby Lady - Madame Marie - Owner of The Ruby Lady/mid 40's/fire red hair/false teeth/Looking to increase influence within Port Mullen/Currently blackmailing Salt "O" Pete about said smugglers cove.
The Blue Crown - Edmund Barclay - Current owner of The Blue Crown/Late 30's/short hair/large mutton chops/Wanting to create a brewery within Port Mullen/Former pirate along side Bancroft.
The Butchers Arms - Afton Bancroft - Current owner of The Butchers Arms/early 40's/Large man/Missing front teeth/Wants to increase piracy within the port/Killed his former captain in cold blood Barclay doesn't know.
Saint Josef's Abbey - Abbess Abigail - Current Abbess of Saint Josef's Abbey/Late 70's/Face like shriveled apple/missing several fingers/has several scars/Wants to strengthen Saint Josef's defences/Used to be a famous adventurer.
The inventory - Stockman "Stock" Conor - "Owner" of "The Inventory"/Early 20's/pockmarked diseased face/Wants to save as much money as possible/massive debt to the Coal Consortium.
Finn's Blacksmith - Finn Conor - Runs Finn's Blacksmith/Early 30's/Lost leg in fleet journey over/Wants to train apprentices to help him/Crippling addiction to lotus root to help with lost leg.
Dock Master - Derrick Fischer - The current Dock Master of Port Mullen/early 40's/slimy appearance/reeks of salt and fish/missing teeth/Halitosis/easily bribed/knows of a murder that took place at the docks.
Guard Captain - Alger Konig - Guard Captain of Port Mullen/Late 30's/close cropped beard/weathered face/Wants to squash the seedier side of the port/distantly related to King Hawkin II.
With the list of NPC's completed I have finished the Gygax 75# challenge! While it only took me three weeks instead of the allotted five I can still say I struggled to finish while juggling work. At time I really had to push myself to get another section checked off.
The next part will be actually running the game! I will be updating the blog with a journal of what the adventuring party gets up to!
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