Sunday, December 31, 2023

TTRPG creations: 365/365: Infinite Night

Infinite Night

 A small speck kept within the purest distilled dark found within the deepest or dungeons. Behind hundreds of closed doors, legions of locks and tribes of traps it is a creature never to see the light. The lands deepest, darkest horror. Any word spoken of it is met with swift justice, anyone who searches for it is hunted down and hung. It must never be found and unleashed. It grows upon light and substance, it swallows all and becomes more of itself. A folding black being that swallows all.

TTRPG creations: 364/365: Solenkrov


 The lands beating saline soul bursting with salt. In the deepest recesses, in the dank dark dungeons and within the wooden forest of woe it can be found. Ancient, old ancestors salt. Every part a living, breathing and growing section of the ancient evils that trod through the land. Towering titans of terrible tribulations, awful alien beings that brought the end of destruction. Pregnant with potential magical powers the gods blood or Solenkrov is highly sought out.

TTRPG creations: 363/365: Order Of The Silent Sisters

 Order Of The Silent Sisters

 Long spent in Saltheim's shadow, an order of old women. Ancient words and wisdom spanning from decadent decades of the spawning of stars. Behind the hulking dreadful doors are rites and rituals only passed on from prospective sorceress to potential witch. All magic comes through and after them.

TTRPG creations: 362/365: The Templars Of Three

The Templars Of Three

Templar trios tread throughout the land. Corundum covered oil stained steel weapons at the ready, towering titans one and all. The sacred strike force stomp into the lands of evil, they eviscerate and eradicate with a holy fervor found within the purest or most zealous of all.

TTRPG creations: 361/365: Full Syndicate

Full Syndicate

The collective group gather around the table, all leaders or lords of varying factions or folds. From the king of thieves to the trade merchant god. Assassins, miners and alchemists the leaders of each domain group together and form the land as they see fit.

TTRPG creations: 360/365: Orange Beast

Orange Beast

 Padded paws pounce down on unsuspecting prey. A long rumbling purr predicts the on coming storm. A flurry of feline fur flairs up into a towering tornado. Everyone stops dead still, any movement a death sentence. The heated breath washes over in fish smelling waves. The tangerine coloured beast roars its victory.

TTRPG creations: 359/365: Rodscala


Far beneath the land of Saltheim, deep within the dark dusty mountains it sleeps. Far below in places that even ancient evils dare not tread. The old man of the mountain snores, his once bright red scales old and tarnished, his eyes a milky white. Atop his kingdom of gold he waits for those that can bring his youth back.

TTRPG creations: 358/365: Brilliant Baker

Brilliant Baker

 Everything goes under the pin, rolled and flattened. Every mote of life is transformed under her watchful thousand eyes. Her ginger bread arms extend out reaching for all within range. Everything that goes into the oven comes out changed and twisted.

TTRPG creations: 357/365: Light Keeper

Light Keeper

It sits within the wall sconce and silently waits, its patience is infinite. As a party creeps down the darkened passages, it watches. As they move under it the Light Keeper flares to life catching all by surprise. The dungeons warning system, the Light Keeper.

TTRPG creations: 356/365: Quill Stalker

Quill Stalker

 The night forest a cacophony of noises. Everything equally stirs within the never ending pine trees. An evil presence constantly stirs up everything around. A single silent predator slinks from shadow to shadow. The literal living lack of noise hunts through the trees. A giant humanoid body heavy with long quills and a pair of shimmering eyes.

TTRPG creations: 355/365: Back Shape

Back Shape

 The hand waves out and calls a name upon the wind. The figure ahead continues to walk, managing to slightly stay within sight. The back looking like a long lost loved one, a family elder or a old friend. Approaching quickly the outline seems odd and out of shape, blurred around the edges. The trap is sprung and the jaws clench shut as the odd being turns.

TTRPG creations: 354/365: Giant Glider

Giant Glider

 A black and white shadow slowly skims low on the watery waves. A monstrous bird that weaves along the wind. The wing span stretches out for miles, a living continent that surfs through the clouds. Entire civilization survive and thrive upon the great beings back. The tribes hunters screech and laugh.

TTRPG creations: 353/365: Glassanoid


 Glimmering glass glows a brilliant bright white within the cold camp light. It slides slowly along, the constant teeth grating creak as it grips the solid stone ground. The shattered hand shambles along quickly finding its way up the arm and reforming. The Glassanoid reaches out a clawed crimson hand.

TTRPG creations: 352/365: Tri Headed Troglodyte

Tri Headed Troglodyte

 Three giant heads stick out from the brick like body. Each angry at each other, screaming and shouting like snarling simians. Stuck out teeth snapping and scraping. The only thing they hate more than each other is every other living being.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

TTRPG creations: 351/365: Gammelh


A withered white husk, skin taught and tight. Ancient robes disintegrating, flaking off and falling apart. Ruby red bloodshot eyes slowly crack open from crusts. Blood split lips pull back and a stump of a tongue spits secrets. 

TTRPG creations: 350/365: Salt Cult

Salt Cult

Deep within Saltheim's mountains old saline altars drip. Ancient salt crusted cultists with slowly stained white robes wait. Old texts tell of outer gods blood crystallizing across the country side. The salt cult awaits the coming of them.

TTRPG creations: 349/365: Webbed Warriors

Webbed Warriors

The forest a black and white killing field. Pine trees that are pregnant with wicked warped webs. The warriors skin a ghostly white yearning for the sun's kiss. Giant arachnid pets scurrying through the trees like brutal black hunting hounds. A generation of degenerates.

TTRPG creations: 348/365: Salt Squeezer

Salt Squeezer

Scrabbling and scurrying they sprint from crystal to crystal. Long pink rough tongues reach out and rip the salt blocks apart. Often caught and squeezed for saline drippings.

TTRPG creations: 347/365: Ear Wax Eviscerator

Ear Wax Eviscerator

It rummaged around in giant bat like ears. Hooked, shovel nails reach on deep scooping out gunk and junk. Long yellow warped wicks shaped into weapons or wands. Long swords, sabres or scimitars slice, slashes and stab. 

TTRPG creations: 346/365: Sneak Tree

Sneak Tree

In ancient cursed forests they congregate, spindly sickly trees all odd sharp angles and thin leaves. The ghosts of old linger behind stuck within the soil itself. The tree slowly shed bark and foliage twisting themselves to adventurers of old luring those alive within.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

TTRPG creations: 345/365: Repellent Slime

Repellent Slime

An unnatural night blue slime slides along. It slithers over debris and dust, crawls over creatures and engulfs all. Anything caught is quickly covered, all bacteria is slurped off them before they are shot out from the other side. 

TTRPG creations: 344/365: Horrible Humbugs

Horrible Humbugs

An overpowering amount of mint makes its way into the air. Thumb sized beetles bounce along broken ground. Bright green to white they lightly illuminate while lounging. Brave idiots will walk into the caverns looking to harvest. When shucked the shell serves as a delightful yet deadly sweet. The floor is riddles with the remains of beetles and the bandits bleached bones.

TTRPG creations: 343/365: Tear Trader

Tear Trader

The weeping wanderer, the tear trader, the sobbing salesman and the bawling broker. A select few names off the saline seller. The giant banner on his back, a weeping red eye. Multiple rickety arms extend outwards outstretched. Small bauble like bottles awaiting the eyes excretions. Treasures are giving depends on the quantity and quality of the tears.

TTRPG creations: 342/365: Outer Space Assaulter

Outer Space Assaulter

Oddly garbed and dressed, extended digits and long limbs. A garbled, gobbledygook long liquid language freely flows from the floral coloured face. Giant quivering quills and furred feathers flex and flop. Solid silver disks spin under spindly feet. A quizzical oddity from outer rings.

TTRPG creations: 341/365: Killer Column

Killer Column

A large group of bone white columns. Great white fingers spread out to an old blue sky. All linked to a leviathan lurking. With time, soil and seed builds up between the columns. Caves come into creation and potential prey approaches. The ancient evil awaits.

TTRPG creations: 340/365: Massive Magpie

Massive Magpie

Peasants picked up and quickly carried off. Treasures taken and natural beauty nabbed. A colossal black and white shadow shrieks, a warbling wail. All forms of beauty are at risk, size means nothing to the keen eyed thief.

TTRPG creations: 339/365: Vertigo Vagrant

Vertigo Vagrant

Huts, cabins, villages and villagers violated. Livestock lifted, pets pilfered, all assaulted. Entire countrysides turned right side up. People planted head first into the ground. Cows tipped on backs and huts spun the wrong side up. The only indication a set of webbed weaving footprint and a constant string of cursing.

TTRPG creations: 338/365: Body Brewer

Body Brewer

It rolls around the curved countryside. It plucks, picks and samples all that it finds succulent. In its belly it creates powerful bountiful brews. Alien stomach acid that deconstructs and recombined all within. An alchemists perfect pet.

TTRPG creations: 337/365: Burning Butcher

Burning Butcher

Constantly crackling, long liquid lava crunches. Onyx black skin splits and spits, seething. A demented demonic elemental, brutal long claws clack. They slice and burn all they catch, sealing wounds together.

Friday, December 22, 2023

TTRPG creations: 336/365: Plague Fist

Plague Fist

They cover themselves in every available disease. They rinse in rot, dive into decay and partake in everything putrid. With a holy fervour they seek out and find all that is fetid. It grows on them, they become a living bed for the unholy.

TTRPG creations: 335/365: Devour Shower

Devour Shower

Lazily it glides limply along. A giant morning pink cloud. Tiny tendrils trail along behind, looking to graze against grazers. The long hook needles grow upon those caught creating a symbiotic link. They are slowly dragged along, ripped and ruined. The remaining chunks absorbed. 

TTRPG creations: 334/365: Ever Growing Gripper

Ever Growing Gripper

The small hand holds prey in place. By hooks, suckers or grip the hand begins to grow. Slow at first, digits begin to swell in size. The limb mutates and swells growing larger and larger while the victim withers. 

TTRPG creations: 333/365: Immortal Nose Drip

Immortal Nose Drip

 It secretes itself out of the nose. It oozes along slowly seeking out other hidey holes. A collection of bacteria, mucus and muck. It collects entire villages DNA data. Entire family trees are implanted within it. It will always find a way back to its creator.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

TTRPG creations: 323/365: Creating Rain

Creating Rain

 He splayed his hands out spread himself into the air. Born again into vapour and mist he free flowed into pregnant rain. A gentle purple shower wafts into the countryside and starts to cover the peasant world. Created creatures arise and roam looking to get a rise out of country riffraff. They poke and prod, sneak and steal. The rain continues onwards running along the high winds.

TTRPG creations: 322/365: Living Smoke

Living Smoke

Two wizards face each other, cross legged, eyed and angry. Blowing out large smoke plumes the colour of a peacocks tail. Eyes are crystals all they see are diamonds. Ancient robes fall and flow both the shade of tumbling water. The vapours twist and turn knotting themselves into monster have-nots. Greedy gripping goblins and gremlins scurry and screech. The two old men continue to blast bowls of belittled little lemmings.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

TTRPG creations: 332/365: Gnome Meat Suit

Gnome Meat Suit

The small hands pull at vein pulleys, pushing and prodding on bone buttons. The automated flesh amalgamation shudders to life spluttering claret and viscera out of exhaust ports. Alarms ring out as bacteria sensors blare. 

The meat suit lumbers forward heavy steps stomping down. Bacteria blasting bolts of bone shriek through the air piercing the swarming viruses. Marrow mauls come crashing down on the poisonous parasites. The little gnome roars in defiance and presses onwards.

TTRPG creations: 321/365: Gore Foot

Gore Foot

 The ritual reaches its triumphant conclusion and with it the bottom of the body extends downwards, gripping and grabbing onto the metal chair. Ropes of flesh surge outwards creating clawed, nailed feet. The contraption used as scaffolding for the invading flesh. A surge of manic triumph takes her as her new legs start to walk forward.

TTRPG creations: 320/365: Never Ending Armed Cripple

Never Ending Armed Cripple

 Creaking and cracking bounces off the dungeons walls, her bodies back swelling in size. The back of the body bursts open in a bloody bloom. Elongated extra limbs extend outwards from the stiff spinal coloumn. Trembling virgin hands unfurl and grip onto the ground. The useless crippled legs forgotten as a bouquet of arms extend outwards.

TTRPG creations: 319/365: Self Splitter

Self Splitter

 Peeling and pulling back liquid layers. Flesh separates from flesh. Muscle, fat and tissue slowly divided. The being slowly breaks free and bursts open. Every sense splits into a separate entity. The dungeon ruled by a single being.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

TTRPG creations: 331/365: Gnome Cells

Gnome Cells

They plant picks into pink stone. They do battle in dark tight tunnels. They tend to small farms raising stock and agriculture. They visit other villages, trade and treck home. Great beasts will rise that they must slay. Infections and diseases will come that they must endure. Wounds in the world open that they have to close. 

TTRPG creations: 330/365: Yawning Yelper

Yawning Yelper

 Giant beasts that pull back blackened lips. A mighty orange simian chest that swells ballooning out in front of them. Every sense shuts, organ shrinks and mote of energy drawn towards the scream. A sky shattering shriek explodes from the maw. Buzzards knocked from perches, den animals awake in fright. The yelped sits back on haunches and waits for a returning call.

TTRPG creations: 329/365: Turn Bulb

Turn Bulb

A gods tear falls from the sky. A mighty elemental gives birth to a brilliant pearl. The lands vomit up a bright seed. The land begins to change with it. Animals are drawn in and turned, the land either drained of energy or explodes into vibrancy. The seed continues this mutation before being swallowed up and moved on.

TTRPG creations: 328/365: Prime Brine

Prime Brine

Slowly squirming along the ground, gripping tight. Reaching out it caresses the walls, it hugs the tiles. It engulfs prey shocking them into a coma, it slithers in and slurps out organs. Once finished it fuses all within it together and spits out what remains. The organs dissolve and it splits itself in half. The only evidence of passing is the screaming abomination left behind.

TTRPG creations: 327/365: centipede vein

Centipede Vein

Writhing and wriggling into narrow tunnels. Inching ever onwards through tubes of flesh. Burrowing into every section, invading every space. They curl around the brain and latch on. With twitches and squirms they control the puppet. 

Monday, December 18, 2023

TTRPG creations: 326/365: Thousand Chain Chieftain

Thousand Chain Chieftain

Each hand connected by another hand. The long chain trawls out behind it. The newest links still alive and fresh the oldest petrified husks the coloured black leather. For every fight won another hand is taken and added digits are intertwined. The chieftains are chosen by the length of the chain. The previous buried with his trophies.

TTRPG creations: 325/365: Pitch Witch

 Pitch Witch

 Her tarred and tacky hands soaked in ink black pitch. Her fingers caked and cracked stained the colour of deep soot. Bloodshot red eyes burn from behind a mass of fire fused flesh. The smell of foundries wafts from her tattered dress. Small flame elementals flick over her long clawed fingers.

TTRPG creations: 324/365: Bauble Bearer

Bauble Bearer

Clicking and clacking through the village. Small coloured shards shaved off and connected. Reds, blues, yellows and green shards dot the houses. The crystals fasten in place and create a rainbow burst when the moon rises.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

TTRPG creations: 318/365: Nose Hag

Nose Hag

 Rows of mortars and pestles take up the majority of the house. Every size, colour and material from simple peasant wood to kings marble and gold. The hag prowls through them looking to pick the perfect vessel.

Her choice determines the make and model, rough or smooth, large or small. Every combination for the perfect product.

The witch grinds down bones within them, takes the powder or pastes and deeply huffs. A rapid fire transformation takes shape, skin melts and flows and bones quickly shift. 

TTRPG creations: 317/365: Tactful Taster

Tactful Taster

 A giant thick tongue with bulging thumb sized taste buds. Each gland associated with a different taste, colour and memory. The long pointed fingers reach in and grasp, yank and pull tweezing out a bud it begins to grow. The Tactful Taster spends years growing a collection of different taste buds. The rarer and harder to find the more buds assigned.

TTRPG creations: 316/365: Searing Seether

Searing Seether

 Thin scales prevent protection. Mumbling and burbling, fetal position silently screeching. Rocking back and forth brewing, anger bubbling beneath the surface. Acidic words rise up and out, tempers explode as word spew forth. They sizzle within the air, toxic smoke pouring off them as they search the tunnels.

TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

Pink and purple skin pulsates in patterns. Large eyes leer in loops, full figure eights. Unblinking eye contact draws the victim in. A timid...